Our mission is to provide a refreshing, enlightening, and empowering program that teaches people about interpersonal relationships in order to improve navigation tools and reduce negative outcomes.
The Sex Rules program is thoughtful every step of the way, from its meticulously chosen language to the specifically placed audience interactions to our thoroughly trained educators. We are always tweaking, listening, and updating the program to make sure this presentation has the most impact possible. We don’t want to just do it. We want to do it better.
Contextualized, research-driven, inclusive overview of interpersonal relationships.
Boost confidence and empathy with tangible tactics for intervention, awareness, prevention, and healing.
Effectively uses humor and interaction to get and keep attention throughout.
Without relying on disturbing visuals or hypothetical situations, all participants feel safer learning without judgment.
Adeptly weaving comedy and interaction throughout, participants remain engaged throughout the entire experience.
Teaches the standard training required by Title IX and resources available from the Campus SaVE Act.
Without relying on stereotypes or triggering tropes, Sex Rules reflects the nuances and ever-changing current conversation about sexual assault.
Each program can be curated to fit your community’s culture and concerns.
By learning from the past with context and care, we can heal and improve the future.
Available for various live lectures, interactive trainings, or online learning.
Supplements SAPR programs, assists SARCs, VAs, and supports survivors and advocates.
We are highly sensitive to these types of conversations, and invested in doing our best at every turn. Our passionate speakers inspire participants to feel seen and supported.
Complicated cultural conversations are always changing and evolving. We are committed to changing and evolving along with them.
All Sex Rules educators are dynamic personalities, charismatic speakers, and passionate advocates who are genuinely invested in the message.
By taking a trauma- informed approach, we can deliver information without accusations or deliberately triggering participants.
In order to truly make a difference in our world, we need to have conversations like this constantly. Sex Rules is perfect year-round, whether it’s New Student Orientation or Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the fall, around holiday breaks or for Valentine’s Day, or to honor Women’s History Month or empower during Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the spring. There’s always a good time to have this conversation. And this conversation is always a good time.
Ruby Dietz is the combination of two grandmother’s names to honor the women who have paved the way for all of us.